Work Tarot

Select 1 Card


Know the Tarot of Work
Having work problems or entering a spiral of doubts about whether we can keep our job is something that can take us to the limit of stress. It is not fair that this happens and we all deserve a decent job that allows us to live quietly and carry out the activity for which we have prepared ourselves.
When doubts are present, the work tarot is the pillar to turn to. This tarot is made up of the Marseille tarot cards with which we consult on matters as momentous as love. In this case, the tarot player investigates the meaning they have regarding the world of work, and develops a parallel meaning that allows us to know all the details of our work situation.
You will only have to elaborate the question and receive the answer that sheds the light that you need in this regard.

Preparation for the print run
Make yourself comfortable in a quiet place in your house and try not to let the light be too powerful, as this causes your reception channels to close. Think about what you want to know and remember that the work tarot is ready for you to ask all kinds of questions. In this way, you can ask him something general or something specific.
You just have to make sure you don't ask ambiguous questions, such as: "Will I get a job or stay unemployed much longer?" If you have both doubts, it is best to divide them and ask a question for each one. The work tarot allows you to ask all the questions you need, since there is no limit to the amount you can ask.

How to carry on reading
Each question is answered through a single letter. So make sure you choose the one that catches your eye and that your intuition tells you is the right one.
Please read it carefully and make the meaning your own by adapting it to your particular situation.